
The arms of Mountain Top Ministries reach near and far from the Gramothe and Dumay region. 

The overall wellness of the local villager’s family is fully embraced from education, to spiritual, to mental, and to physical wellness. Activities and services are also provided for social and environmental wellness. Because of this, the people seldom need to see the doctor. This makes it possible for Mountain Top Ministries to extend its programs even farther to receive and provide care to thousands of people outside of this region of Haiti. Locally, the people are healthy so the impact to others can be broad and deep.

 History of Ministry 

Willem Charles was born and raised in Haiti. Growing up, he worked several different jobs and quickly understood the value of an education. As he grew older, he looked back upon the place where he was born and knew that God called him to this particular location. As he looked around, there was nothing except for five voodoo temples, and the single worry of every person was where they would get their next meal. Willem, with his faith, knew he needed to do something. Walking over to the village of Gramothe he saw one lady teaching a small group of children. He knew this lady and he knew she only had a third-grade education. Here was a lady who needed her own education trying to educate others to the best of her ability. Seeing this, Willem knew what he needed to do. After spending time with the villagers, he told them he would build a school and a church.

In 1999, Mountain Top Ministries was formed and the physical work began. To move materials, a road was built into the side of the mountain from the river bed to the village so equipment could be brought for the first building, which doubled as a school and a church. Over time, additional buildings were added as more and more families wanted their child to have an MTM education. Willem knew education was key, so his whole focus was on teaching the Gospel and teaching academics.

For the past twenty years, Willem has built upon the vision God had placed in his heart, and it still remains the mission of MTM today - to share the good news of Jesus Christ with the families in the village of Gramothe and the people of Haiti by providing for their academic, physical, and spiritual needs.

Willem and the board members of MTM appreciate your generosity, especially when you sponsor a student. As the number of students grows, so does the need for more sponsors. When you sponsor a student, the parents no longer have to worry about finding money to send their kids to school. Instead, they can use those funds to farm. When harvested, the food is used for their own families as well as sold to others for a small profit to the farmer. Because of this, the level of poverty can be significantly reduced. The people of Gramothe have learned how to take care of themselves. They are now considered prosperous, by Haitian standards, and the hope is to continue to expand on this model.

What We Do

Mountain Top Ministries was formed to empower the people of Haiti through education, medical services, and spiritual care. Our desire is to give these people hope for a better, healthier future. 

Our purpose is to empower the Haitian people by providing spiritual, medical, and educational care so they can overcome generational poverty.

Mountain Top Ministries is a registered 501(c)(3) organization. All gifts are tax deductible as allowed by law.

Board Members


Rev. Morris H. Aplin, Jr.
Board President


Elnora Miller, RN
Vice President


Marcia Favali, MD
Treasurer, Director of Medical Care for MTM


Lori R. Aplin, RN


Eleanor Martin
Board Member


Willem Charles
Founder / Board Member